EXTRAKT's functions are:
it identifies the language of a text, even if terms of different languages are mixed.
These 4 functions analyze the text.
The INDEX function returns the word into its basic forms, while the ANALYZE function adds logical operators, which combine the basic forms (for instance the parts of a compound word in German). The INDEX2 function splits the text into sentences and carries out a Named Entity Extraction, through which it identifies persons, proper names (companies, institutions, products), geographical terms and dates. The SUMUP function "summarizes" a text.
The GENERATE function generates all morphological variants to a given basic form (lemma).
The generation can be limited to variants with different stems.
The TRANSLATE function translates the basic forms from one language (source language) into another language (target language). The language pairs are:
from any of the Extrakt languages into English and German - French, German - Italian and vice versa.
The SYNONYM function combines synonyms, associated terms and derivations. The Syn-Filter combines and reduces the list of synonyms by filtering them against a list of predefined terms (usefull for e-shops with a specific vocabulary).
The THESAURUS function combines a given term with hyponyms and hypernyms.
The TRAPHO function transforms a word into a phonetic representation.