Die linguistic engine EXTRAKT ist in dem Suchportal LexxiNet (früher ExtraktSearch) integriert und sorgt für optimale Suchergebnisse.

LexxiNet (deutsch)

SUMUP results English

As an example, we have used the Wikipedia article "Speculoos".

Sentences identified as relevant by SUMUP are printed in bold.


PN 0-1

Speculoos (Dutch: Speculaas Dutch pronunciation: [speky'las] , Flemish Dutch: Speculoos , French: spéculoos , German: Spekulatius) is a type of spiced shortcrust biscuit , traditionally baked for consumption on or just before St Nicholas' feast in the Netherlands (December 5) , Belgium (December 6) , [1] and Northern France and around Christmas in Germany . 

PN 1-2

In recent decades it has become available all year round . 

PN 2-4

Speculoos are thin , very crunchy , slightly browned and , most significantly , have some image or figure (often from the traditional stories about St . Nicholas) stamped on the front side before baking; the back is flat . 

PN 4-5

Speculoos dough does not rise much . 

PN 5-6

Dutch and Belgian versions are baked with light brown (beet) sugar and baking powder . 

PN 6-7

German Spekulatius uses baker's ammonia as leavening agent . 

PN 7-8

Spices used in speculoos are cinnamon , nutmeg , cloves , ginger , cardamom and white pepper . 

PN 8-9

Most Speculoos versions are made from white flour , brown sugar , butter and spices . 

PN 9-10

Some varieties use some almond flour and have slivered almonds embedded in the bottom . 

PN 10-11

Belgian varieties use less or no spice . 

PN 11-12

To make the dough , butter , sugar and spices are combined . 

PN 12-13

The flour and leavening agent are mixed separately and then added . 

PN 13-14

Bakers carefully ensure the dough doesn't heat up too quickly . 

PN 14-15

The dough is stored in a cool place overnight to give the spices time to permeate the dough and add extra flavor . 

PN 15-16

There are several interpretations for the origins of the name Speculoos . 

PN 16-17

It may derive from Latin speculum , which means mirror , and refer to the fact that the images are cut as a mirrored bas-relief into a wooden stamp which is then used to decorate the Speculoos . 

PN 17-18

Another explanation of the name refers to the Latin word speculator which , among other meanings , could also refer to a bishop or St Nicholas' epithet "he who sees everything" . 

PN 18-19

Specerij the Dutch word for spice is another possible origin . 

PN 19-20

In the United States , New Zealand and Australia , speculoos are often sold as Dutch Windmill cookies or Biscoff cookie 


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