Die linguistic engine EXTRAKT ist in dem Suchportal LexxiNet (früher ExtraktSearch) integriert und sorgt für optimale Suchergebnisse.

LexxiNet (deutsch)



The most ambitious application of EXTRAKT is the LexxiNet (formerly Lexiquo) Portal:



LexxiNet is a meta-search engine which sends search requests to different search engines (Yahoo, Bing, Qwant and Wikipedia).


The original terms of the request are analyzed and word variants as well as synonyms and translations are added to the request. These variants can be added to the original request by a single click.

LexxiNet has a tri-lingual interface,  but is able to analyze requests in 4 languages:

German, French, English, Italian and Spanish.



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© 1995-2025 TEXTEC Software Dr. Erwin Stegentritt